There are currently many options for tooth replacement available to you if you are missing one or more teeth. While conventional dentures remain the most popular option, there are now more comfortable and long-lasting alternatives available. If you’re searching for better-fitting braces or a durable tooth replacement option, you could be a candidate for implant supported or implant retained dentures from Dr. Neal Rosenberg at Teeth and Co..
Dental implants have changed modern dentures, providing patients with a more customized and long-lasting option for tooth replacement. Cedarburg residents may get state-of-the-art implant-based dentures from family dentists Dr. Neal Rosenberg at Teeth and Co. Take into consideration your alternatives below since missing teeth may lead to a number of health issues.
Installing Dentures with Supports
Dental implants are necessary to support and keep implant supported dentures in place across the jaw. The denture is held firmly in place by the implants, which stop it from moving or causing pain. The strength and health of the jawbone are preserved because the implants, which are attached to the jaw and gums, absorb the majority of the impact when chewing.
A strong jawbone is necessary for these dentures to function since they are implant-supported. If the jaw is not strong enough to support the implants, further surgery can be needed.
The Benefits
The most aesthetically pleasing prosthesis that doesn’t interfere with regular oral functions is an implant-supported denture. Due to their natural appearance and ability to return your smile to normal, their popularity has grown. Additionally, they provide a number of health advantages, such as:
- Enhances biting and chewing power – Patients who are edentulous often have a weaker bite. Implant-supported dentures are just as functional and capable of chewing as natural teeth.
- Prevents bone deterioration: When a tooth is lost, the jaw often recedes and the surrounding tissue becomes weaker. Implants maintain the impression of a tooth while safeguarding the jaw.
- No discomfort or annoyance — Since hybrid dentures are affixed to the implants rather than the gum tissue, they do not result in swelling or inflammation. The dentures are prevented from slipping and irritating the gums by the implants.
- Makes cleaning easier: Because implants are made of porcelain or ceramic, they can be cleaned in the same way as natural teeth. Regular dental visits are necessary, but your everyday cleaning routine won’t alter.
Dentures Retained by Implants
Teeth and Co. provides implant-retained dentures as well, as not all patients are suitable candidates for implant-supported dentures. These dentures more closely resemble regular dentures and need fewer implants. The removable prosthetic denture in implant retained dentures is fastened to the implants using the implants.
For individuals whose jawbones are weaker, they are often advised in order to place the implants where the bone is still strong. They may be easily removed without the need for surgery or bone transplants.
The Benefits
Because implant retained dentures are fitted with little implants, they need minimal surgical intervention. Even with just four implants, they are nevertheless able to support more weight than a traditional denture. Other benefits include of:
- Cost-effective treatment is provided since fewer implants equate to cheaper costs. It’s a more economical choice since it doesn’t involve bone transplants or other expensive operations.
- More straightforward modification: The denture may be taken out or changed to better fit and take into account wear and tear.
- Simple to install on weaker jawbones: Since the dentures rest on the gums rather than the jaw, no healthy bone structure is needed. In places where the jaw has not degenerated, the implants may be placed without the need for further support.
See Teeth and Co.for family dentistry in Cedarburg!
If you need dentures in Cedarburg, Dr. Neal Rosenberg at Teeth and Co. can assist you. No matter what your circumstances are, our dentists are qualified to provide you top-notch treatment.
Visit our Teeth and Co. website right now to learn more about our dental clinic and to read some reviews left by previous clients! Make an appointment online, give us a call at 262-377-5130 or stop by our Cedarburg office at N57 W6296 Center St., Cedarburg, WI 53012. We always welcome new patients.